Presentations given by Kartones
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All presentations are also available at my Speakerdeck account.

Building Autonomous Agents with gym-retro
MindCamp X (2018)

Python static typing with MyPy
Python-Madrid (2018)

High-impact refactors keeping the lights on
PyConES (2017),
MadScalability (2017),
MindCamp 9.0 (2017)

Remote Work
TheMotion (2016)

Geospatial CSV Imports Hidden Complexity
MindCamp 7.0 (2015)

Introduction to GameBoy Development
Freakend 2015

Myths & The Real World of OpenSource Development
CodeMotion ES (2014)

CartoDB Tech Intro
LocationTech Madrid (2014)

Copy Protection & cracking history
MindCamp 6 (2014)

Cómo ganar dinero con tus juegos online
Gamelab Academy (2013)

MiniPlay Avatars System
LOAD"" (2013)

MiniPlay APIs
GameLab Barcelona (2013) Sneak Preview
MindCamp 5.0 (2013)

Tuenti Team
UPV (2012)

ASP.NET Web Optimizations
MindCamp 4.0 (2012)

Tuenti - Release Process
Google IO Pre-Keynote Madrid (2011)

<Hardcore PHP/>
UAM (2011)

Tuenti - Tu Entidad
UAH (2011), UCM (2011), UAM (2011)

Kinect SDK for Windows
Freakend (2011)

WordPress Tunning: Cacheo
MindCamp 3.0 (2011)

Escalando que es gerundio
MindCamp 2.0 (2010)

XNA Particle System
UPS (2007)

Sistema de Partículas con XNA
UPS (2007)

Managed DirectX
MAD.NUG (2006)

Desarrollo de juegos con XNA
MSDN CodeCamp Madrid (2006)

Computer Graphics with Managed DirectX & C# 2.0
MSDN CodeCamp Madrid (2005)